Assessment in Technology Overview

When it comes to assessment, technology can be a strong tool to keep learning hand in hand with student progress. Not only does technology allow for immediate feedback to the teacher as well as the students using it, but it can adjust to fit the needs of the student at that time.

Technology really is the future of assessment. It allows for educators to embed the testing within student learning. There is the ability for constant formative feedback within an activity or game instead of some sort of test following a lesson. Technology allows for a universally designed testing method. Instead of filling in bubbles on a page, the test can be interactive and fitted to the students’ needs. This allows for multiple pathways instead of just looking at point A to point B. The feedback is also immediate. Instead of having to wait to grade a stack of exams, technology allows for questions to be marked right or wrong as soon as they are answered.  Finally, technology allows for a variety of item types. This means that instead of simply filling in a bubble, there can be different means to display a question.


By using technology and embedding the assessment within the tasks, students do not even know they are being tested. They are focused on increasing in level in a game or gaining more points. It reduces the stress and anxiety that comes with testing. Technology is ever changing and this generation of students have learned to adapt with it. This will help them to grow and be flexible in their learning. Having that growth mindset is important to be successful in school and in life. With the gentle corrections technology provides, students get a do-over and can learn to keep trying until they get it right.

In my future classroom, I plan on using technology for assessment as much as possible. With the way that standardized testing is completely virtual now I want my students to be prepared and comfortable with what that looks like. I also plan on using simulation type “games” that provide formative assessment in subjects such as social studies (reenactments) or science (dissections). The possibilities are endless and will only continue to grow in the future.

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